Closer through Community
by Shawn Mahannah
Hebrews 10:24-25 // “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as it’s the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
One of the reasons the church was created was for the believer to continue to draw closer to the Lord. I know that this benefit is not a shock to you. If we all could come over to my house, we could spend days upon days talking about all of the benefits of the local church.
It’s interesting to note that the emphasis in these verses is not on what a believer gets from the assembly but rather on what he can contribute to the assembly. I pray that we will focus on fostering community, encouragement, and love among believers.
By joyfully being a contributor in this season, we might be found closer to Him and His presence! So how do we live out this teaching in Hebrews 10: 24-25? Great question! Here are some ways to do that:
1. Encourage others.
We can seek to make sure that church doesn’t just become about us! We can ask the Lord to put people in our paths that need encouragement or a work of kindness. Speaking words of kindness and affirmation can be a tool the Lord uses to help people grow in their faith. James says in James 3 that our words can bless and curse. Today, let’s choose to speak words that are living-giving!
2. Be faithful in coming to the gathering.
Make an effort to gather with other Christians regularly. This can be through our weekend church services, Access groups, or fun get-togethers. By being a part of a community, you can support others, and others can support and uplift you.
3. Demonstrate love.
Find a way to take the focus off of you and actively look for ways to show love and care to those around you. This could be through acts of service, listening to someone in need, or extending grace and forgiveness. One simple step is to jump onto Team Access! This will naturally help you become others focused!
4. Exhort one another.
Do you have someone you encourage to stay true to their faith and walk with God? Another way of asking it is: who’s back do you have? This involvement with other believers involves gentle reminders, accountability, and helping one another to remain focused on spiritual growth.
I am all about having great relationships that revolve around college football, the disappointment to my Cowboys, or a round of golf. But let’s not forget that the Lord has allowed people in our lives for much deeper things. Spiritual growth and continuing to pursue faithfulness are the things that should be in our hearts and words with one another.
5. Be an example.
Lead by example in your daily life. Show through your actions what it means to live a life that is committed to Christ and His teaching. By incorporating these practices into your life, you can help create an environment of love and support, as urged in Hebrews 10: 24-25, allowing both yourself and others to grow closer!
Thank you, God, for being the first example of living in community. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to live on this earth among other people. I pray for the guidance and strength to live the model of Hebrews 10. Send people in my life that will draw me closer to you and others that I will help, too. Amen.