Celebrate Easter at Access Church

We Are Better Together

No matter where you are, there is a group for you.

  • Spring Semester: February 2 - May 4

Why Join A Group?

We believe that real life-change happens in a community. We are not made to do life alone. That’s why we gather in Access Groups where we can get comfortable, share, invest, and grow.

God uses intimate connections with other people as catalysts for change — in us, in our relationships with Him and others, in our families, and in the world.

Lead A Group

Group Leader Application

If you are interested in leading a group this summer, fill out this form with your group information. We will contact you with more information about leading an Access Group.

  • Summer Semester: June 8 - July 20
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My Group will be:
What stage of life is this group ror?
Give one or two sentences that will help people know what to expect in your group.
e.g. Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm
Have you led an Access Group in the past?