Closer through Complete Surrender
by Caleb Parsley
“Follow your heart. Chase success. Seek validation.”
Whether it’s a swipe on social media, a new podcaster, or even a conversation with friends, there always seems to be someone or something encouraging us to do things in order to be truly happy.
And yet, even when we manage to achieve these superficial goals, it’s never enough, is it? There’s always the next thing, that thing that we don’t have just yet, that’s going to be the one that will finally bring us happiness.
But what if there’s another way? What if there was a blueprint to actually find true fulfillment? In Luke 9, Jesus gives that to us! He lays out a foolproof way to not only find joy, contentment, and satisfaction but to also find the truest form of closeness with God.
In Luke 9:23, Jesus says this to the crowd listening to Him, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”
At first glance, these words can seem daunting or confusing. However, Jesus is giving us three simple practices we can use to turn against the ways of the world, surrender our lives, and follow Him more closely. As we do, we’ll find the path that leads straight to the fulfillment we all crave.
1. “Deny Yourself”
Jesus is not telling us to take all of the fun out of our lives! Instead, He’s emphasizing a focus on the control of our lives rather than just “things.”
Practice: Each day, make the decision to submit to Jesus’ will over your desires. Identify areas where you can let God in. Sometimes it’s ambition, the way you spend your time or money, or simply personal comfort. It’s often the very first thing you think of.
2. “Take up your cross”
In the scripture above, Jesus’ listeners would have been familiar with crucifixion and what it entailed. A part of this process included carrying that cross through the city streets while being jeered at and mocked by fellow citizens. While we won’t face crucifixion, we often battle the desire for comfort and people’s approval, and Jesus encourages us to face it.
Practice: When difficulties arise, ask Jesus to help you reframe them as a way to draw closer to Him. This may look like resisting temptations or sharing your faith in a situation where you wouldn’t have before.
3. “Follow me”
Jesus’ conclusion is an encouragement to the crowd to follow Him and His disciples as He traveled. For you and I, following Jesus is not a physical walk with our feet, it’s a spiritual walk with our hearts.
Practice: Jesus wants us to use our lives to glorify Him and to become more like Him. When we spend time in a godly community, read the acts of Jesus, speak to Him in prayer, and do our best to do what He did, we are following Jesus!
Following Jesus and finding true closeness with Him looks different from the world’s path to happiness. The surrender Jesus asks for isn’t about restriction, it’s about stepping into the freedom and joy that comes from living in God’s will.
When we can deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him, we can find the only way of life that truly satisfies us.
God, thank you for giving me full access to true joy and contentment. I want everything that you have for me, and I haven’t submitted every area of my life fully to you. Help me to make you not just a piece of my life, but the complete center of my life. I am no longer living for me, I am living for you. Amen.