Closer through the Distractions
by Lisa Goff
James 4:8 (NLT) // “Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.”
Have you ever been so adamant about something that you block out all the reasons that could possibly change your mind?
As a teacher, I get asked a lot if I want to move into a leadership position or an administrative position. Me in leadership? No. I have always been content staying in the background. Leadership was not an area I felt was for me. Or so I thought.
God, being who He is, was already at work writing leadership into my story. Though I refused to listen.
I was distracted.
My own voice was keeping me from seeing the path God was paving for me.
Distractions happen. They are everywhere, our phones, social media, television, other people’s voices, even our own voice. God wants our attention. He wants to be in our every day, our guide. He wants our heart. Luckily, we have a God who is patient.
While I continued to let my own voice distract me, God tried different ways to reach me, using ways around me that would get my attention, emails for leadership degrees, and opportunities for leadership roles. One day I finally just stopped and looked up and said “Okay! I am listening.”
Had I continued fighting, I would have missed one of the best opportunities given and one that in the end, brought me closer to Him.
So how do we break through the distractions in our life to grow closer to Him? We slow down and listen. Seems simple but can be hard and frustrating at times.
But God will speak through what has your attention to help you gain His.
So, what are some ways that God may be speaking beyond the distractions? Ever listen to music and notice that a sudden emotion comes from a lyric or verse? While scrolling Facebook or Instagram ever have a post suddenly catch your attention that normally would not? Talking with others and finding that something that was said repeats in your mind later?
Many times, what you feel in those moments is not about those moments but are the ways God is reaching out to you. Use those moments to stop and say “God, what are you trying to tell me?” and lean in.
Revelation 3:20 (NLT) // “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.”
What distractions do you face that are hindering you from hearing God’s voice?
Today is a great day to ask God to help you seek him and to grow closer in your relationship.
Lord, thank you for wanting to be close to your children. God, I ask that you help me to seek you through the distractions around and lean in closer to you. Help me to hear your voice above all and to trust your ways over mine. Thank you for your faithfulness now and always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.