Welcome to 21 Days of Prayer 

by Jason Burns

Hi, Access fam!

Since the beginning of our church in 2007, we have set our hearts to be people who pursue God. Our theme to kick off this new year is “Closer.”

Jesus’ half-brother, James, said, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8). It’s really that simple. If you pursue God, you’ll experience Him in a new way. J. Oswald Sanders said it so simply – “You are as close to God as you want to be.”

Our hope is that over these 21 days of prayer, we’ll learn that the necessity of prayer is not enough. In order for it to become a part of our lives, it needs to become something we look forward to doing.

I’m convinced most people don’t enjoy prayer because they have never been taught how to pray. That’s where this simple prayer devotional can help. Our goal is to make prayer more personal. This devotional is designed to bring joy into your time with God.

When you discover the beauty of daily closeness with Him, you’ll experience the presence of God that will change your life.

Once you learn how to pray, prayer can become a part of everyday life. And then…Before the day begins —
Before you go to bed —
Before you go to work or school —
Before you send that text —
Before you eat, drive, or travel —
When bad things happen — Before bad things happen —
In every situation — PRAY!

Prayer changes everything! We love you and believe this year will be your best year if it’s your best year with God!